Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Beranda » » 'We're left with that specific hunger': Gwyneth Paltrow reveals she avoids ... - Daily Mail

'We're left with that specific hunger': Gwyneth Paltrow reveals she avoids ... - Daily Mail

By Daniel Bates


She has tried the macrobiotic diet, the kale and lemon cleanse and only eating salad for days on end.

Now Gwyneth Paltrow, 40, has revealed that that she avoids feeding pasta, bread or rice to her children Apple, eight, and Moses, six, because it is bad for them.

Her decision was based on the fact that everyone in her house - including husband Chris Martin - is apparently intolerant of gluten, dairy and chicken’s eggs.

Strict on her children's diet: Gwyneth Paltrow has admitted to starving her children of carbs and it leaves them craving certain foods

Strict on her children's diet: Gwyneth Paltrow has admitted to starving her children of carbs and it leaves them craving certain foods

Miss Paltrow’s comments are an admission that her habit of going for the latest fad diet is filtering down to how she behaves as a mother.

She has in the past told how she snacks on almonds when she is hungry rather than cave in and have a proper meal.

She spent her 20s on the macrobiotic diet during which time she ate mostly vegetables and beans and chewed her food more thoroughly than usual.

Happy hungry family: Gwyneth Paltrow has admitted that she starves her children of carbohydrates

Happy hungry family: Gwyneth Paltrow has admitted that she starves her children of carbohydrates

In her new cookbook, called ‘It’s All Good,’ which is released next month, Miss Paltrow devotes an entire chapter to grains but is deeply sceptical about them.

It's All Good... as long as it's not bread pr pasta: The cover of Gwyneth's new cookbook

It's All Good... as long as it's not bread pr pasta: The cover of Gwyneth's new cookbook

She writes: ‘Every single nutritionist, doctor and health-conscious person I have ever come across . . . seems to concur that (gluten) is tough on the system and many of us are at best intolerant of it and at worst allergic to it.

‘Sometimes when my family is not eating pasta, bread or processed grains like white rice, we’re left with that specific hunger that comes with avoiding carbs’.

Miss Paltrow, who won an Oscar in 1999 for Shakespeare in Love, added that Mr Martin, 36, the singer with the band Coldplay, and their children are all intolerant to ‘many other surprising foods’ - but her claim was met with scepticism by experts.

London-based public health nutritionist Yvonne Wake said Miss Paltrow was being ‘foolish’ and that she could be doing her children harm.

She said: ‘I think it’s not a good idea, especially because her children are are thin - I’ve seen pictures of them.

‘Kids need carbohydrate because it gives them glycogen which keeps your brain going.

‘Without it they won’t be able to think straight as their brain won’t be functioning and their thinking patterns will be slow.

Close call: The new cook book also reveals the moment Gwyneth thought she was suffering from a stroke in 2011

Stepping out in style: Gwyneth has tried all sorts of diets in the past including a juice diet and only eating salad for days on end

Body to diet for: Gwyneth has tried all sorts of diets in the past including a juice diet and only eating salad for days on end

‘It’s like when kids don’t have any breakfast - they will do less well at school and won’t be able to run around with the other children’.

Dr Carina Norris, a registered nutritionist, added: ‘Far too many people self-diagnose themselves with allergies, or cut out wheat to lose weight, or because they think it's bad for them.

‘Not only are they making their lives difficult, cutting out such an important food group shouldn't be done without the advice of a medical professional, as it could put them at risk of nutrient deficiencies.’

Falling into line: Gwyneth and her husband Chris Martin impose a strict eating regime in their house

Falling into line: Gwyneth and her husband Chris Martin impose a strict eating regime in their house

Unsurprisingly the critics haven't been kind: 'When we mere mortals feel faint and off-kilter and fear we’re having a major health emergency, and really we’ve just gotten too much sun or had too little to eat, we file away our crazy little moment among our embarrassing stories shared only with close friends and family.

Close call: The new cook book also reveals the moment Gwyneth thought she was suffering from a stroke in 2011

Close call: The new cook book also reveals the moment Gwyneth thought she was suffering from a stroke in 2011

'But when Gwyneth Paltrow has such an episode, she writes a cookbook, wrote Hailey Eber at the New York Post.

'The book reads like the manifesto to some sort of creepy healthy-girl sorority with members who use beet juice rather than permanent marker to circle the 'problem areas' on each other’s bodies.'

Esther Zuckerman at The Atlantic Wire said Paltrow's book takes 'laughable Hollywood neuroticism about eating to the next level.'

Gwyneth further laid bare the terrifying moment she thought she'd had a stroke. 

The 'Iron Man' actress sought medical advice when she suddenly fell ill at her London home in 2011 while serving lunch to friends, and despite her fears, she was found to have been stricken with a migraine and panic attack.

She wrote in her new cook book: 'One sunny afternoon in London, in the spring of 2011, I thought - without sounding overly dramatic - that I was going to die. '

'I had just served lunch in the garden at home... I had a vague feeling that I was going to faint, and I wasn't forming thoughts correctly... I got a searing pain in my head, I couldn't speak, and I felt as if I couldn't breathe. I thought I was having a stroke.'

The 40-year-old actress - who has children Apple, eight, and Moses, six, with husband Chris Martin - was also found to be severely anaemic and vitamin D deficient, so had to overhaul her diet, cutting out coffee, eggs, sugar, shellfish, potatoes, wheat and meat.

Her health scare prompted herself and her family to undergo food allergy testing.

Miss Paltrow’s previous cooking book, ‘My Father's Daughter: Delicious, Easy Recipes Celebrating Family and Togetherness’ detailed more of her curious food obsessions.

For a refreshing drink she turns to a juice made of kale, lemon juice, water, vitamins and natural sweetener agave.

Miss Paltrow, who writes a food and lifestyle blog, claimed that this drink, coupled with five 45-minute workouts each week taught to her by celebrity fitness trainer Tracy Anderson, had left in the best condition of her life.