Laura Austin (@LAustin_ )
After spending the last two months filming The Rover in Australia, Rob Pattinson is back in Los Angeles ... and he's back with lady love Kristen Stewart!
The lovebirds enjoyed a night out at Ye Rustic Inn in Los Feliz last night, and while they're known for being a bit camera shy, they had absolutely no problem posing for several fan photos.
Laura Austin, the online editor at The Berrics posted the above photo on Twitter, and she wrote to curious Twilovers, "I just ran into them at a karaoke bar by my house… mellow night. They were just there hanging out with a few friends ... they were super nice… just normal people out at a bar ... They were just minding their own business hanging out in a booth with friends."
"Rob and Kristen were having so much fun together," an eyewitness told E! Online. "They sat in the back of the bar in a booth and were laughing. At one point, they were standing at the bar and were just being normal, as any boyfriend and girlfriend would be with each other. They were touchy-feely. She was holding on to his jacket and had her hand on his back. They were just cute."
Aww! Looks like Rob's friends were just keeping an eye on K. Stew after all...
Whew! We were worried for a second there!