Najwa Karam and Fares Karam
The stunning Atlantis Hotel in Dubai, featured in an episode of The Amazing Race 15 as well as the X Factor, set the location for a crowd-pleasing performance by Lebanese Najwa Karam and co-patriot Fares Karam on March 21, the day designated to celebrate Arab mothers. It was considered one of the biggest concerts in Dubai in light of current unstable times afflicting the region.
Fares, unrelated to his co-star and namesake, opened the night singing some of his most popular hits. According to the Middle East news portal Elaph, Fares hung back after his act to have a moment with Najwa. Word from backstage was that he wished to make it known that the pair were on good terms, officially drawing a line under  all the disputes between them.
When Najwa hit the stage, the crowd went crazy. She greeted them all with wishes for a very Happy Mother’s Day and a wake up call for Arabs to unite and join hands. The audience responded warmly by singing along to her entire winning performance, and by the time she sang a piece on the devastating conditions of the Arab world, there was barely a dry eye in the house.