Here we go again.
It's been a week since the Boston bombings killed three people and injured 170-plus, and with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in custody, the city can begin to heal.
Not that there's anything to actually heal, or move past, according to the obligatory conspiracy theorists who insist the entire thing is a hoax. Seriously.
Boston Bombing Conspiracy
Among many pieces of "evidence" cited by skeptics? The photos of victims - or alleged actors, depending on what you believe on message boards.
"If you loose both legs from explosive trauma half your blood is gone in one minute via the femoral arteries, you're dead after two," writes one theorist.
Not believing the amputees are real, he "explains":
"Bleeding out is worse with blunt force trauma (like shrapnel) because flesh is torn rather than cut, exposing more arterial and vascular tissue."
"The human body holds 5 to 6 LITERS of blood. If that really happened you would see blood EVERYWHERE, the guy would be drenched in it."
The victim aided by Carlos Arredondo - the peace activist lauded as a hero after his efforts to save lives - has come under particular scrutiny online.
"His hands have no blood on them. There’s no blood on the ground. The color in his hands and lips shows good circulation," the skeptic alleges.
Sound familiar at all?
If you recall from the Sandy Hook conspiracy reports and videos, the Newtown man who hid children in his house was nearly turned into a pariah.
Nevertheless, chatter of a New World Order and a government-enabled hoax continues to permeate the Internet. Writes the conspiracy theorist:
"These are actors. This is staged. It was flash powder."
"There was no crock pot nail bomb. There are no bombers, only patsy. If your looking for a gunman look at the Army in the streets of Boston."
"Share this knowledge with everyone."
Anyone buying it? Comment below ...