By Elle Griffiths
Helen Flanagan and Yvette Cooper's tense relationship came to a head once again on Wednesday night's episode of Celebrtiy Super Spa.
And it seemed diva-like Helen was getting on everyone's last nerve as the reality show got nearer to its finale.
As a task, the contestants were split into two groups to run two separate salons where the customers paid them what they think the service was worth.
They had to acquire the customers by soliciting business on the streets of Liverpool.
And Yvette was not happy about being given Helen and Arg on her team.
Tense: Helen got irritated with Yvette when she asked her to wear her beautician's uniform for a task
Letting off steam: Both Helen and Yvette had to go away and have a rant to camera after the rucus
She quickly became irritated as the pair larked about when she was trying to talk about the task at hand.
Things then morphed into a full blown argument as Yvette took umbrage at Helen's attire.
The 23-year-old had decided that she didn't want to wear her beautician tabbards out and about much to Yvette's annoyance.
Defiant: Helen wore her own clothes for the task despite Yvette's protestations
Insults were exchanged when Helen insited:'I'll wear whatever I want to wear,' to which Yvette retorted: 'You come across as a spoilt little diva, you need to grow up, seriously.'
Talking to the camera after the argument Yvette fumed: 'She's evil, I can't bear her.'
Earlier in the day clothing hadn't been such an issue for Helen when she had happily volunteered to receive a spray tan as a demonstration.
She happily stripped off for the task as Arg looked on, enthralled.
Perma-tanned Helen was clearly well-versed in the positions necessary for the procedure and had no qualms about stripping down to her bikini.
She confessed to having a spray tan every two nights.
Volunteer: Helen was happy to strip down to her bikini to be sprayed for the spray tan demonstration
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But Arg and theboys were shocked and delighted to discover that their female models for the task were naked.
Arg of course, assumed that the buxom model on who he had to practice found him attractive.
And despite their flirtations earlier in the week, Arg and Helen's relationship seemed to be souring somewhat.
Helen repeatedly snapped at the Essex boy when she felt he hadn't stuck up for enough during her argument with Yvette.
Excited: Arg couldn't hide his glee at having to spray tan a nude female model
But Arg, who in Tuesday's episode declared he had a crush on the northern star, didn't seem too bothered by Helen's cold shoulder.
He joked that Helen and Yvette should hit the street rather than him and her.
The celebs then hit the streets of Liverpool to solicit customers for procedures within a time-frame leading tensions to fray even further.
Not shy: Helen displayed her assets for the task as Arg looked on
Don't know where to look? Arg seemed taken aback by Helen's strip
Arg enjoyed taking pictures with female fans despite the fact that this was not the task and was taking up valuable time.
He remarked: 'I feel a bit like the pied piper, I think it's my Essex charm.'
Helen opened a bottle of champagne much to the disgust of one of the beauticians and repeatedly refused to wear her uniform despite being asked to but gained suprise praise from Salon supremo Herbert when he came to give the contestants feedback in the evening.
He told Helen that it was a wise decision to approach people in the street in her 'civvies', much to the obvious chagrin of Yvette.
The 'friends' seemed to be cooling off
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