By Sophia Charalambous
Adele's estranged father has begged for a change to see his grandson.
Mark Evans, 51, who walked out on the singer when she was a child, is battling bowel cancer and fears he may never see his 10-month-old grandson Angelo James.
'I still haven't met Angelo and I'm facing the fact I may never do,' Mark told The Sun. 'It could be over for me before I get to make my peace with Adele.'
Last ditch attempt: Adele's father Mark Evans is pleading with the singer to let him see his grandson before he dies
Mark has had tumours removed from his colon and stomach after doctors found 11 potentially deadly growths and he is currently awaiting tests to see if the cancer has stopped spreading.
Plea: Adele's father Mark Evans has apologised and said he wants to get to know his grandson Angelo James before it's too late, and is currently battling bowel cancer
The singer, who is worth an estimated £35 million, stopped talking to her Evans two years ago after he gave an interview about their past, and allegedly said she would spit in his face if she saw him again.
Mark walked out on Adele's mother Penny Adkins and his three-year-old daughter in 1991, leaving Penny, 44, to bring up Adele alone in her London flat.
He was constantly drinking in Adele's younger years to numb the pain of his dad, John's death from bowel cancer aged 57-year-old in 1999.
He admitted he was a terrible father and not there when Adele needed him.
They did, however, remain close for Adele's younger years, often spending school holidays with him in Wales.
He said that she forgave him for his drinking and neglect, but the pair fell out at Christmas 2011 after he gave an interview about the family's past.
Adele didn't tell her dad she was pregnant with Angelo, whose father is Simon Konecki, the singer's partner and a charity worker.
Mark aledges he has never given up trying to make contact with Adele - writing letters to her every month and calling her managers once a fortnight but worries he has hit a brick wall and now feels ostracised.
He added: 'The years are going by and I'm worried I'm not going to see my grandson and do the things with him that I did when Adele was a child.'
Mark had his cancer operation in May last year after being diagnosed six weeks earlier, and hopes there are no more growths when he gets his new scans back.
Keeping a low profile: Adele was spotted in London earlier this week when she attended Lady Gaga's iTunes festival gig
He is now living healthily at his home in South Wales, but knows that the best remedy would be to see Adele and his grandson.
Despite everything Mark said he is proud of her success after winning a Golden Globe and Best Original Song Oscar for James Bong theme tune Skyfall.
He watched the night on the telly and said he got particularly excited when she high-fived Daniel Craig.
Mark is now in a new relationship and said he is not out to reconnect with Adele for money.
But he did claim credit for her love of music, because Mark himself had dreams of singing and acting which were passed on to Adele.
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