Are they shooting movies? Shooting selfies?? Eating delicious, crazy looking food???
If it wasn't for twitter, we'd have no answers to these questions…
But twitter does exist, so let's take a look and find out exactly what our favorite celebs are doing!!
CLICK HERE to view the gallery "This Week In Celebrity Twitpics And Instagrams!"
CLICK HERE to view the gallery "This Week In Celebrity Twitpics And Instagrams!"
CLICK HERE to view the gallery "This Week In Celebrity Twitpics And Instagrams!"
CLICK HERE to view the gallery "This Week In Celebrity Twitpics And Instagrams!"
CLICK HERE to view the gallery "This Week In Celebrity Twitpics And Instagrams!"
CLICK HERE to view the gallery "This Week In Celebrity Twitpics And Instagrams!"
[Image via Instagram.]
Tags: celeb, gallery, instagram, photos, twitter